This web site is maintained by Dodie E. (Smith) Browning
The last time I saw Richard was at a class reunion. He told me how he used to hitch hike from Dehue to Logan to go skating...... He said that there was hardly any traffic to Dehue after the skating rink closed at 10 P.M. and sometimes he had to walk all the way to Dehue alone, sometimes arriving home just before daylight; just in time to get ready for school and catch the school bus back to Logan.
I was so happy to learn that Richard accepted Jesus and that he knew that he was going HOME, when he crossed that "silvery sea."
The old Logan Armory where we used to skate on Tuesday nights, is to the right, at the end of the bridge.
Some lived too far away to go as often as the ones who lived closer to town, but they were a part of the
memories just the same. Some moved away before high school, but they
are still in our hearts and memories. I saw Ron for the first time at
the skating rink and that is where we fell in love.
Pictured below is the old Triange Service Station where the boys who lived north
and west of Logan used to hitch hike going home after skating. Richard lived in the opposite direction
and would have hitch hiked up through Stollings to Rum Creek/Dehue.
Below is a list of names from the Class of '55 that I remember from the skating rink. If you have other names to add, or your own special memories of the skating rink, I will be happy to post them here.