Fred Howard Park
Tarpon Springs, Florida
On the incomparable Gulf Of Mexico
April 7, 2001
This website is maintained by Dodie (Smith) Browning
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Chairman of the welcoming committee
From the Dodie (Smith) Browning Collection
Chairman of the CORNBREAD committee
From the Donna Richardson Mathis Collection

My kitchen is your kitchen!!
From the Donna Richardson Mathis Collection
Chief Onion Chopper
(No supervision needed!!!)
From the Dodie (Smith) Browning Collection
Chopping the onions- with nary a tear!!!!
From the Dodie (Smith) Browning Collection
The onions were finished and here is our charming host with a BIG smile in his face!
From the Dodie (Smith) Browning Collection
From the Dodie (Smith) Browning Collection
The hot dog chef and assistants
From the Dodie (Smith) Browning Collection
From the Dodie (Smith) Browning Collection
From the Donna Richardson Mathis Collection
From the Donna Richardson Mathis Collection
From the Donna Richardson Mathis Collection
From the Donna Richardson Mathis Collection
From the Donna Richardson Mathis Collection
From the Donna Richardson Mathis Collection
From the Dodie (Smith) Browning Collection
From the Donna Richardson Mathis Collection
From the Donna Richardson Mathis Collection
From the Donna Richardson Mathis Collection
From the Donna Richardson Mathis Collection
From the Donna Richardson Mathis Collection
Making even more memories
From the Donna Richardson Mathis Collection
No one had time to notice my special manicure with our
class flower- Forget Me Not, but this was definitely a day
(and evening) for the memory books! We ended the night by telling ghost stories
and doing some "ghost busting" with an infrared camera. You would have to have seen it to believe it!!!!!

Click here for more information on my
"reflections of light" Then click your back button to return here.
Click on the wildcat for 60 years of memories
You might even find yourself :)
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Since April 9, 2001